Drake's Humbling Weekend in Five Pics

This weekend was pretty mellow tbh.

Friday was a big streaming night

Saturday Lake Patrol had to be cancelled so I ended up going to Menards to finally fix me not being able to breathe clean air at my apartment. I had never gone into a Menards, Home Depot, Lowes, or any store like that on my own so I knew this was gonna be quite the experience. Immediately got greeted with a 'What can we help you find' and didn't know what to say because I genuinely didn't know what the actual name brand I was looking for was so I panicked and said "OH! I'm just browsing". BIG mistake.

Spent 30 minutes trying to find it until finally locating what I needed.

After leaving Menards there was a delicious looking Taco Truck (trailer?) in the parking lot so I rewarded myself with Street Tacos. They were amazinggggg

This was the final product of these air filters. I'm not actually coughing in my apartment anymore so that's good!

And pretty much the rest of the weekend is me streaming so here's that haha

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