Jenny's Weekend in Five Pics: 6/9 - 6/11

This weekend I needed a mental recharge after a very hard week for my family. If you missed it on the show Friday, I talked about why I was out Tues-Thurs. My younger sister had a stroke Monday and I went back to Wisconsin to be with my family. My sister is doing good now. She'll be starting speech therapy this week as the part of her brain that was affected the most is causing her to have some issues with her speech. We know she'll work hard and make a full recovery with time! Also thank you SO much to everyone who reached out and sent such sweet and encouraging messages :)

Friday night I stayed in, ordered Thai takeout and hung out with Andrew. Saturday was a bit busier. We hit up the MPLS Farmers Market.

We went to our friends Sammy and Haley's house warming party. Here's Andrew awkwardly holding our friend's baby while he still holds onto his drink, lol.

My dad got a deal on some stationary bikes and gave me one but it's not really my type of bike so it's been sitting in our basement in the box for over a year now. I decided to finally put it together Saturday.

Saturday night we went to a Roast. A what? Yes a Roast. Our friend Jud decided to put on a Roast... for himself, lol. And it was one of the best things we've done in a while. I think 20 people ended up roasting him and everyone was hilarious. Highly recommend roasting your friends.

We're watching a dog named Ilya that we've watched before but this time around I found out she's terrified of the vacuum. I was cleaning the house and when I got it out she hid behind Andrew for protection, haha.

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