Jenny's Weekend in Five Pics: 6/2 - 6/4

Andrew and I are heading to New York in 2 weeks so I spent quite a bit of time this weekend making an itinerary for the trip. Two Friends did a live performance of Big Bootie Mix 23 in Chicago Friday night so I watched/listened to it while planning/online shopping for NYC!

We had a pup named Groot hang out with us this weekend! I've never had one of these waist leashes but the owner's brought it for Grooty and I think I need to invest in one because I really liked not having to hold a leash in my hands.

Andrew and I walked to a local Mexican restaurant for dinner that we had never tried Saturday night.

Sunday I went rollerblading around Bde Maka Ska and Lake of the Isles. It was so hot but felt great to get a good sweat in outdoors!

Hope you survived the heat this weekend. It's only the beginning, lol.

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