Falen's Weekend in 5 Pictures 3/10-3/12

I finally had a chill weekend! I'm excited to watch "The Last of Us" tonight and also see some highlights of the Oscars. I've been watching Daisy Jones and the Six on Amazon and enjoying it if you want a new show. I did not read the book. OH, and there's a new show on Hulu with Kerry Washington based in Minneapolis! They have so many mentions! It's pretty cool! It's called "Unprisoned".
Friday started with a trip to White Bear Mitsubishi. I upgraded to a hybrid. Once it runs out of battery, it switches to gas. I am SO excited to save money on gas. Shoutout Richard for always hooking me up!

Saturday I got up and made banana muffins. This is my go-to recipe, and when I tell you between the 4 of us these muffins didn't make it 24 hours...I am not lying!

Saturday we finally got a Costco membership. Yes, I went on a Saturday. Yes, I went on an empty stomach, and yes, I went on day 1 of my lady time. I wasn't in my best mood, but we got out spending way less than people would assume because of it lol. I have to go back on a week day and actually look because I didn't look at very much!

We're getting pretty bored around here with all this snow, and desperate lol...

Today we went to the Science Museum. They have their Omnifest going on, so we saw the national parks one. It was great! Then we explored! Olive's favorite part was washing dishes lol! I highly recommend seeing some of the great movies during the Omnifest. I had a lot of people recommend Super Dogs too! Get tickets here!

Have a great week, and thank you for checking out my pics:)

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