Falen's Weekend in 5 Pictures 10/28-10/30

Friday the crew went to Skyzone. Clearly it was a glorious time. Then we finished the day with Olive Garden. I haven't been in years, and it's exactly the same and still wonderful.

Saturday we went to Olive's dance class, and she got to dress up. Then we went to the Excelsior trick-or-treating event which was so cute. Olive was rainbow cat from Gabby's Dollhouse.

Saturday was also my mom's birthday, so we went to Famous Dave's for dinner. Olive loves her Mamaw and Grandma Linda SO much!
I finally bought candy for tomorrow night and am sporting multiple Bandaids. I trimmed all of our outdoor plants down for winter, and didn't wear gloves. I have tons of blisters now!

Happy Halloween! Thank you for checking out my pictures.

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