Do You Correctly Say These 10 Commonly Mispronounced Dog Breeds?

The first step in being a dog parent is naming your dog. The second step is learning how to correctly pronounce the dog's breed. And the third step is adding more cloud space in preparation for 5,086 dog photos.


And guess which one people sometimes skip.


A website put out a list of the 10 most commonly mispronounced dog breeds . . . and Dachshund is #1. Here they are:


1. Dachshund . . . It's pronounced daks-hund. Or, just "wiener dog."


2. Rottweiler . . . The correct pronunciation is rot-why-ler, not rock-wahy-ler.


3. Papillon . . . It's pronounced just like the French word for butterfly: pa-pee-on.


4. Keeshond . . . It is kay-shond, not kee-shond.


5. Shih Tzu . . . There's nothing inappropriate here. It's she-dzoo.


6. Shiba Inu . . . It's a Japanese breed pronounced she-ba-ee-nu.


7. Affenpinscher . . . It's pronounced a-fuhn-pin-cher.


8. Weimaraner . . . This is a tricky one: It's vahy-muh-rah-ner.


9. Samoyed . . . It's sam-a-yed, with the emphasis on the last syllable.


10. Bichon Frise . . . It's pronounced bee-shon free-zay. 


(Mental Floss)

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