Dave's 29th Anniversary Weekend in Five Pictures!

29 isn't one of those big round-number, landmark anniversaries, but my 29th was on Thursday, so the bosses, Rich and Greg, took me to Crave to celebrate! Lots of laughs! I don't think I've ever had such a fun lunch with management!

This is Ashley, who listens to our show and sent the show a Facebook message saying she wanted to buy her niece a copy of my book for graduation but couldn't find it in book stores, so I met her at a gas station and gave her one!

Friday night, we watched Ava so Allison and Justin could have a night to themselves. I took her to a toy store at Eden Prairie Center where she got the green squeezy dragon, which she loved, but she REALLY loved the oinking pig I got her! See it on my Instagram @daveryankdwb

Saturday morning I read to her, which really wasn't so much me reading, but more her turning the pages while I tried to read!

And we are in Boston to see Paul McCartney with Carson. I read a Tweet that said seeing Paul McCartney is akin to seeing the Grand Canyon or the Eiffel Tower. It's a must, it's one of a kind and there's a magic that you can't get anywhere else. I truly believe that. I love Paul McCartney and I'm so happy to see him again!

Hope you had a great weekend!


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