Falen's Weekend in 5 Pictures 2/4-2/6

Friday I went out to grab some drinks with my friends Lauren and-you know Tina! Then we went to a Candlelight concert. This is my second one. It's a different venue from the last one. This one was at a church downtown. It was a string quartet of all Taylor Swift music, and it was SO good!

After the show the women's room had a long line, so I opened the door to the family bathroom. A woman was peeing. She hadn't locked the door. We made eye contact. The other people in line saw her too. I felt SO bad!

Saturday Jake's brother and sister came over to hang out. Hannah and Olive had a tea party (I got her this tea set, and it has already provided hours of entertainment),..

AND Davey changed out a garbage disposal we've had for over a year. Jake told me not to include him in the picture because he didn't want to look like he was just watching. He wants everyone to know he could have easily replaced it.

We started watching Pam and Tommy on Hulu last night. WARNING lol it has a LOT of nudity! It's pretty funny though. This morning we got up at 6:30 and drove to Hudson to see the hot air balloons. It's our second time and was pretty cool. I hope you had the BEST WEEKEND EVER!

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