Dave's Super-Bland Weekend in Five Pictures...Don't Bother to Look!

Some weekends are super exciting.

Mine was not.

It was fine, just one of those weekends where you realize you didn't really do anything. I did spend it with Carson and saw Allison and Ava so it was still good!

Let's get started!

Allison, Susan and some of their friends went to Florida last week. Apparently Allison was having a really good time! And she deserves is cuz she's been being a mom for pretty much 17 months straight!

Lost and Found Department.

This is a travel mug my son Chase gave me from the TV station he worked at in Colorado Springs, which is where I grew up watching that station. So it was always very cool and special to me that he worked there. A couple of years ago, the station made mugs of some of the people who have worked there over the years and they put Chase's picture on it.

I LOVE this mug and all of a sudden it was missing. I looked everywhere for it and was certain it was gone. But I found it under the front seat of Susan's car. SO happy about that! I know it's just a mug, but it's irreplaceable and very special to me.

Saturday night, Carson and I made home made pizzas and watched football.

Roger found a warm spot to lie down.

And Sunday night we went to Benihana for Allison's 30th birthday. If you've listened to KDWB long enough, you remember when she was just a toddler! Now she has a toddler of her own! Ava and Justin are watching the action while she opens her present from Carson.

So yeah...nothing exciting! I think I need to go skydiving or buy a chainsaw and cut down some trees, or do something dangerous.

Nawwwww, this was still a pretty good weekend. :-)

Thanks for looking!


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