My Favorite Christmas Ornaments

We put the tree up the day after Thanksgiving and I posted a picture this morning on my Instagram @daveryankdwb of how tilted it is. (Yes, it's bad, check it out) and someone commented "Where are the ornaments?"

Good question! I just hadn't gotten around to it yet. No good excuse. So tonight, I got the big ol' box of ornaments out of the basement and went to work.

If you're like me, you have ones from vacation, ones that were gifts, some that you bought cuz you liked them, and a ton of sentimental ones; ones the kids made when they were little or ones that remind you of another time in your life.

It was a hard choice cuz I found "Carson's First Christmas" and Allison's old Chaska High Volleyball ornament. After careful consideration and some hard choices, here are my favorite ornaments!

This goes back to when Allison was a toddler. When you push the button, it says, "We interrupt this program for a special report! Santa has been spotted overhead! Listen for reindeer on your roof!" Probably my favorite of all time, especially because it's a radio!

My family loves "A Christmas Story" so the leg lamp ornament definitely makes the list.

I play the ukulele and love this one!

Carson was in Boy Scouts and in 2017 we both went to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico and backpacked for 11 days.

Back in the day, the KDWB staff would get a cool little Christmas present. One year it was a golf putter, one year it was a leather travel bag and one year it was this ornament.

My son Chase made this for me when he was 7.

You know why I love this one!

This one was a gift from my granddaughter Kelsea and I'm pretty sure she made it. It says who it's from on it, but here's a tip. If someone gives you an ornament or makes one for you, write on it who it's from or trust me, in 10 years, you'll only remember it's special but you won't remember who it's from.

Hand-painted Carson's Scout shirt.

Kid's hand-made ornaments are the best!

I have a bunch of hand-made ornaments from Allison and I thought I had some from when Beth was little but I can't find them. This isn't hand-made but still one of my favorites.

From my grandson, Liam. He knows I love birds so he made this and painted it.

And this. Because I love KISS!

Thanks for looking!


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