Falen's Weekend in Five Pictures 8/27-8/29

I had a FULL house this weekend. My friends from high school, Kimberly and Samantha came in from Indiana for the state fair. They also brought their girls, Ruby, Willa and Hazel. Friday the weather was sketchy, so we played it safe with a trip to MOA! Everyone loved Sea Life!

Saturday was ALL about the fair. It was Olive's first time, and she had a BLAST! Of course she had Sweet Martha's Cookies!

We hit the Blue Barn, and then I went to do our show! It was great finally seeing people. It wasn't as packed as previous years, but it was still awesome!

I really wanted to take Olive down the Giant Slide. We walked to the top, and I was winded, and it started raining, so they closed it. We walked back down and waited for a couple of minutes, and they opened it back up. I walked back up the stairs, winded again...and we went down. It was super fun with a disasterous ending that Jake captured on camera. You can see our "crash" on my instagram: @falenkdwb

AND I had to get a picture with Samantha and the babies. In 2019, we got our pics with our baby bumps, and Sam has a new baby bump in this too! I hope you had a great weekend...thank you as always for checking out my weekend pictures:)

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