Jenny's Weekend in Five Pics: 6/25 - 6/27

Friday night we went to Steve's birthday party. We still talk pretty often but I haven't seen him in a while so I got lots of hugs from him!

Photo: Luttenberger, Jenny (uploader)

Steve lives really close to a Culver's and I do not so afterwards we went and swooped some concrete mixers.

Photo: Luttenberger, Jenny (uploader)

Sunday I had my friend Caitlin's bachelorette party. Caitlin and I met in college and then both worked at Bubba Gumps for a very long time and also lived together for a year. Most of our Bubbas crew came for the party. We rented a limo van and stopped at Maynard's, Schram Winery, and then Psycho Suzi's!

Photo: Luttenberger, Jenny (uploader)

Caitlin was one of my best roommates. I cried when we moved out of our place because we loved living together. She was moving in with her boyfriend who is now her fiance and I can't wait to celebrate them in a few weeks at her wedding!

Photo: Luttenberger, Jenny (uploader)

Sunday I put in another offer for a house that I thought I had a really good chance of getting. An hour and a half after offers were due, we got the dreaded call that I lost once again :(. It takes a lot for me to make a big decision like this so when I do write an offer, I'm all in and am already picturing living in the house so it's always really hard news to hear that I lost. This is not a picture from the house I lost on but from another one I liked. I'm not usually a huge fan of wallpaper but I did really like this.

Photo: Luttenberger, Jenny (uploader)

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