What Would You Tell Your Future Self?

Melissa McCarthy found a note she wrote to herself 10 years ago and shared it. I posted on Instagram and asked what would you tell your future self...but also your current self? Here are some of the great responses I got!

Only rely on yourself.

Start now...whatever it is you want to do.

Be in love with yourself. You would want the world for the person you love the most.

Don't be so hard and unforgiving to yourself.

Keep doing the things that scare you.

Nothing matters...wear that unique top, tell the person you like them...life is short.

Take vacation days.

Set Boundaries

Quit only appreciating the body you used to have. One day today will be the past, after alll.

Don't be so hard on yourself.

Do things because you want to. It's okay to say no.

It's ok to quit something if it doesn't bring you joy.

Focus on friends, not boyfriends.

Make the move right for you and your life. Your career isn't everything.

Dieting has a 97% failure rate, so don't beat yourself up.

It will work out. Don't force anything.

How popular you are in HS will not matter.

Stay true to your individual self.

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