Dave's Weekend in Five Pictures: I Want One of These!


I flew out to Colorado this weekend to pick up Carson's car so he has it in Minnesota while he's home from college this summer. So most of my weekend was spend in Colorado and/or driving back to Minnesota.

I stayed Friday night at this enormous beast of a hotel called The Gaylord. It's by the Denver airport and it took several years for it to be built. It's amazing. Obviously huge, but it's like a Disney hotel that's not a Disney hotel. Huge, beautiful, over the top with everything you can imagine. I'm not getting paid to plug this but here's the website to check it out.

While I was in Denver, I drove downtown and walked over to the Capitol Building. Growing up there, I'd never visited it. I walked inside and the guards were like "Yeah sure, walk around! Have fun!" So I did. I had the place to myself and it's freaking beautiful!

Carson got home Saturday and got to see Ava and Allison for the first time since January!

Found this gem on the ground at a gas station somewhere in Nebraska. Glad to know it's okay to just toss these anywhere in Nebraska, just like people do in Minnesota. You'd think that someone fussy enough to floss their teeth would be fussy enough not to litter, but I guess not.

And finally, leaving Nebraska this morning, I saw this old Corvette. I'm not even a car guy, but I love this car and I want one. I won't get one, but I want one.

And that's it! Hope you had a good Mother's Day Weekend! Thanks for looking at my pictures!


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