Falen's Weekend in Five Pictures 4/23-4/25

Another Friday night where I can't remember what we did? Jake and I have been trying to calm down the eating out a bit. Plus, Jake is training for the TC 10-miler. I did a nice ride on the bike then ab class. I've been sharing a lot of recipes on my Instagram stories lately. Even Olive has been eating most of them! @falenkdwb if ya wanna follow! Saturday morning, our friends came over with their daughter, Florence. She is exactly 2-months younger than Olive, and they get along great!

I checked the mail, and I got a sweet surprise from my friend, Kimberly in Indiana. We have a thing with Strawberry Shortcake. Do you remember her?

Olive had some photos with my friend Laura...which I'll share soon, and we met Jake's brother at Animale's BBQ. The owner, Jon is our friend, so we try to get over there often. Then now have the birria tacos. They were super popular in California and have moved their way over here. The shell is a tortilla like griddled with cheese, and then you dunk them...so they're kinda wet tacos, and OMG!

AND they had pudding...which Olive gave 2 thumbs up! haha

Jake's brother was in a bicycle accident a few weeks ago and is still in a neck brace-he's okay though. This picture just cracks me up!!

We haven't done a ton today, but I did make these lettuce wraps. I didn't have hoisin sauce...so I threw a tablespoon of soy sauce in? haha AND I didn't make their peanut sauce. I used the spicy Thai peanut vinaigrette from Trader Joe's which was perfect! Click here for the recipe, and thank you for checking out my pictures! Looking forward to tomorrow's show!

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