Dave's Weekend in About Five Pictures: Coolest Flying Picture I've Taken?

First things first: Shout out to Falen, Jenny and Tina for hosting the show Monday for International Women's Day. Funny how it was a day celebrating women, but I had the day off and they had to do even more work than usual! I asked Falen if she wanted me to come in and help out and she generously said "Take the day off!" So I got an extra day in my weekend. Thanks Falen!

So let's get started!

It was Ava's 7-month birthday. (That's my daughter Allison's little girl) and she came out to see us on Saturday. She used to tend to cry when I held her but she was so good! I walked her around the house and showed her flowers, and pictures and little things, which of course, she wanted to hold and put in her mouth. But it was so great to see her so curious about the world around her!

And it was nice so we took a walk around the neighborhood. My first walk with her!

Yes, I'm still way into Match 3D, the most addictive phone game ever. I was in a world-wide tournament over the weekend and came in 2nd!

And Monday I went up flying! Flew out to Glencoe to just chill and watch planes take off and land. On the way back I did something I've never done while flying before. I turned all the way around in the seat to see the sunset and got this very cool picture!

Landing back at Flying Cloud Airport Monday night. Such a beautiful night for it!

I hope you got outside and I hope you have a great week! Thanks for checking out my pictures!


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