Gratitude in March! Join Me!

Another radio girl in Nashville, Amy is doing the gratitude challenge. She does such great work. I'll link her shop here. You can read about her and her work. She sells gratitude journals (among many other cute things), and the money goes to charity. In March, they're writing down 4 things they're grateful for each day. I decided to join in. I didn't get the journal, but I do hear that writing things down instead of typing in your notes app (which I did yesterday) has a better effect. I'm gonna start writing mine down. I looked on Pinterest, and you can easily search gratitude prompts like this image I used to get ideas when you can't think of things! (I realize there are 31 days in March btw-just pulled this random image:)

Here are mine for yesterday:
Jake Made Me Lunch
I had a great conversation with a woman I look up to
Kind people bought my art
Had a good conversation with my mom

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