Dave's Weekend in Five Photos: What Kind of Hole is That?

This weekend went SUPER fast for me. Did it for you? But like I've said before, the weeks themselves don't suck so it's not such a bad thing. If you live only for the weekend, you need to find something that brings you joy during the week! LIKE OUR SHOW, FOR INSTANCE! LOL!

Here we go!

Last week, I made my wife a wine and cheese pairing experience and this week she paid me back. It wasn't all cheese though. She paired wines with veggies and hummus, queso, crackers, nuts and even sardines! It was amazing! I will say, if you do something like this, prepare to get overly full really fast. Not sure why but wine and food pairings load you up quickly!

Saturday I went out to Carver Park Reserve where they have miles and miles of cross country skiing trails. It was busier than I've ever seen it, probably because people had been stuck inside for 2 weeks because of the cold. It was beautiful and I loved it!

The people who work at Lowry Nature Center at the park put up little interpretive signs so people like me can learn more about nature. Do you know squirrels remember where they bury their nuts and then come back for them in the winter? That's what this hole is from. You can see where a squirrel came up to the spot and dug until they found what was buried there. Super cool!

Sunday, my daughter Allison and I went cross country skiing at Lebanon Hills Park in Eagan. I'd never been and this park is HUGE and beautiful! Just like Carver Park, it was packed but once you get out on the trails, there weren't many people around.

We watched Ava afterward so Allison and her husband, Justin could go get a Blizzard together. And Ava started chewing on Susan's thumb. So cute! She is just a little peanut!

Hope you have a great week and thanks for looking at my pics!


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