Dave's Weekend in Five Pictures, Pics My Family Took!

I flew to Colorado this weekend to test some equipment and enjoy a day of relaxing. BUT I basically forget to take any pictures to post on this page! SO I asked Susan and each of my kids (except Chase because he was sleeping) to send me a picture they took from their weekend. Here's what I got!

Beth and her family played Settlers of Catan TWICE this weekend!

Carson said he didn't take a single picture this weekend, so I said, "Just take a picture of anything." So he sent this, which is right above his desk in his apartment. I was very happy to see one of the pictures is us together, then him with Allison, him with his friend and Charlie Puth, and a picture of him with a bunch of his buddies from Minnesota. The big wooden sign is from Susan's shop that she made for him.

Speaking of which, this is Susan's contribution. She made this sign at her store.

Allison's daughter Ava turned 4 month over the weekend so Allison sent this. I just love how alert she is now and how she has facial expressions that we can actually recognize!

And this is me on the flight home. The plane was fairly full but everyone was masked up and took it seriously. Didn't even spot any of the idiots who only cover their mouth.

And that's it! I hope you had a great weekend and thanks as always for looking at my weekend in five pictures!


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