Falen's Long Weekend in 5+ Photos 11/26-11/29

Olive is helping me write this, so it should take at least double the amount of time...Jake and Olive made pies on Wednesday to free up oven space on the actual day of Thanksgiving. He made a pumpkin pie and a molten chocolate pie which was amazing from half baked harvest!

Thursday, we stuffed ourselves. My mom did come over because we see her every day since she keeps Olive. It was so strange not celebrating with Jake's family. We definitely missed them!

Of course we overate, but everything was SO good. Olive was extra cheesy! She could actually eat the food this year, and she LOVED it!

Friday was Dillon's 13th Birthday! We have a teenager in the house...Plus, I did a bunch of online shopping. I haven't touched our spare room at all since we moved in, so we finally mounted a TV in there!

We spent a lot of time just laying around and watching movies and reading Olive's favorite books...over and over again...(We have the final episode of the Undoing tonight, and we're super excited! We also started the Flight Attendant! I read the book in book club and don't remember it at all! haha so it's all new to me!

I felt like I needed to get rid of stuff, so I filled a bag of clothes to donate and felt pretty good about that!

I painted a bunch of landscapes...

I put together a gift guide. Click here to see it. I'm also still posting local businesses on my Instagram stories daily. AND we went to Mustard Seed in Chaska to see Santa. Olive was freaking out, so we got in picture with her. We clearly were not planning to be in photos...check out Jake's pants....hahaha I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Dave is back this week, and we start Christmas Wish! Thank you for looking through my photos!

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