Dave's Boring Weekend in Five Boring Pictures

Sometimes you have an exciting weekend and sometimes you don't, but it's still a weekend, right?

I watched "Haunting of Bly Manor" which is probably the dullest ghost story ever on Netflix. I went for a walk. I uh....Well, that's about it.

Here's my not-too-exciting weekend in five pictures.

Allison sent me this adorable picture of Ava in sunglasses. Now, yes, this is sweet and cute, but I wasn't even there to take it or see her, so you can see how this is going already.

Friday, I went over to pick up my car at the garage and went under the bridge covered with graffiti right by Paisley Park. If you've never been, you should see it sometime. Park at Lake Ann Park and just walk over.

This is my on my mini-elliptical while watching "Haunting of Bly Manor." See? It's not getting any better, is it? BTW, people always ask me what kind it is. It's by InMotion and you can get it on Amazon for $139. I love mine and use it all the time! Here's a link.

Josie is doing her thing again. She stands at the top of the stairs and just stares down into the basement. No growling, no barking, no tail-wagging, any of which would be freaky. Do your pets do anything like this?

And finally, this jacket rounds out the boring weekend list. When I was about 23, Top Gun had just come out and bomber jackets with military patches were HUGE. I found this at a store in Columbus, Ohio where I worked at the time and I wanted it so bad. But it was $250 and that was more than I really could afford. But I just couldn't resist it. After coming back to the story every few days for a couple of weeks, I gave in and bought it. I loved it then but now it just sits. No one will ever wear it again and no one wants to buy it on eBay. So I'm donating it and saying goodbye to it tomorrow. I'm a little sentimental that way.

And that's it! I told you it was a boring weekend! I hope yours was just as exciting or as boring as you wanted it to be.

Have a great week and thanks for looking at my weekend in five pictures!


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