Dave's Ukulele Club Tuesday October 13 7pm on ZOOM!

Hello fellow uke player!

We are gonna do it again! This time via Zoom. Tuesday night, October 13 at 7pm. Someone asked if you have to be an official member or sign up somehow. NOPE! Just open Zoom on Tuesday and you're good to go!


All ability levels are welcome! No one will mind if you're a beginner cuz we've all been there. Most of the people who come have been playing for less than a year. It will help you to practice a few simple chords: C, F, G, Am and D. BUT you don't have to know them! Just mute your mic and do your best! I promise you'll have fun!

Here are the songs we're playing. You can view and/or download them to practice but I'll have them onscreen Tuesday so you can play right from your Zoom screen. There will probably be some surprises cuz I can pull up just about any song you can think of. If you have ideas for a song you want to play, just bring it up during the meeting.

Email me with any questions at daveryan@kdwb.com

Don't forget to check back for the Zoom link!

See you Tuesday!


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