Dave's Weekend in 8 Pictures

I was on vacation last week so I don't really have just pictures from this weekend. I have some from vacation and some from this weekend. So let's get started!

The biggest part of my trip to Colorado was my 3-day motorcycle ride to the other side of the state. I rode over a famous pass called Wolf Creek Pass. I guess years ago it was dangerous with lots of narrow parts. Now it's 3 or 4 lanes most of the way and it felt completely safe. But it was still kind of a big deal to make it to the top!

Here's the sign you see at the top, warning you about the hairpin curves on the way down.

When I was out riding, I saw the Apple Maps car. Pretty cool! The driver says he's been all over the country all summer taking pictures for Apple's version of Google Street View.

I ran into some other bikers at the entrance to this park and we took each other's pictures. Bikers sometimes look mean and all bad-ass and everything, but they are some of the friendliest people!

Here's the part that wasn't so good. I bought cheap sunglasses off the internet that didn't have UV protection. By the end of day two, my eyes felt like they had sand in them. And an hour into day three, the right one would barely stay open. I stopped and got an eyepatch which was a big help but meant I could only see out of one eye for the rest of the day. Riding over a mountain pass with just one eye wasn't my favorite thing I've ever done, but I made it. NOTE: SPEND THE EXTRA MONEY TO GET SUNGLASSES WITH UV PROTECTION!

This is my son, Chase. He's a TV reporter in Colorado Springs and it's always so cool to see him on TV. He really is passionate about it and does such a great job. Yes, I'm biased, but he's aweome!

I hung up a hammock in the backyard in Colorado and just relaxed and listened to the birds and the wind.

I missed Josie so much when I was gone, I asked Susan to text me a picture of her. It only annoyed her a little that I didn't ask Susan for a picture of her! LOL! We all went for a walk on Monday and it was great. Love my dog!

I'll post some more pictures of the vacation later cuz I got some pretty cool ones.

Thanks for looking at my blog! Have a great week and if you have to do it, good luck with distance learning!


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