Dave's Weekend Five Photos: First Airline Flight During COVID

I flew to Colorado on Wednesday to see Chase and to get away for a few days, check on the house, do some yard work, etc. It was odd and a little tiny bit nerve-wracking to fly on an airliner, but I felt about 80% safe. MSP recommends masks but I didn't see that they were required. Denver required masks but still about 1 in 10 people didn't wear them. On the plane it was absolutely required unless you were eating or drinking.

Let's get started with my weekend in five pictures!

On the plane, I sat by the window to keep away from people passing in the aisles. I felt about as safe as I expected to. I brought along wipes and hand sanitizer and wiped down everything, even though I know the airline does that too.

I've had a hammock laying around for a few years and finally got around to putting it up. It was awesome and so relaxing to just look up at the trees and the sky.

My family has lived in this house for nearly 60 years and I've never seen a coyote until this weekend. This one was stalking a deer across the lane you see in the photo. The mama deer wasn't having it and just after I took this, she chased the coyote away at full speed. The coyote was running for his life, zig-zagging the whole time. It was like it was out of a nature movie. But of course, I missed getting it on video.

I grew up in Colorado and had never been to Estes Park, a beautiful town just north and west of Denver. In fact, until a year ago, I thought Estes Park was actually a park, like Grand Canyon Park or Yellowstone Park. Nope. This is the Stanley Hotel, the inspiration for the Overlook Hotel in "The Shining."

I rode up into the mountains outside of Estes Park and stopped for this picture. I even took some time to play my ukulele by the side of the road. It was amazing and so peaceful.

And that's it! I hope you had a good weekend and a good father's day if you're a dad or got to spend time with your dad.

As always, thanks for looking at my weekend in five pictures!


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