People Are Upset With Dad On TikTok For Picking His “Least Favorite” Kid

Parents may have a favorite kid, but most of them would never admit it. And they definitely wouldn’t post a video on social media telling the world about their preference, but one TikTok dad did just that. In his video, he explains why he’s picked his favorite and least favorite kids and he’s not very nice about it.

It starts off innocently enough, with him talking about how he loves his oldest child the most because when she broke an $8 lamp from Walmart, she was really upset, shaking and crying. But when he moves on to why his youngest is his least favorite, things take an ugly turn. The dad says the “little psychopath” came up to him naked and told him she pooped behind the couch. He talks about her “fat little a** behind,” complains about having to clean up her poop and also calls her “an animal.”

As you can imagine, commenters had a lot to say about this dad’s video. Some agreed they also have a favorite child, but don’t announce it to the world. Someone else wrote, “She’s your least favorite because she’s the most like you.” And probably the most spot-on comment reads, “He forgot to read the terms and conditions when signing up to be a dad.”

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