5 Virtual Happy Hour Games to Play with Family

1. Pictionary

First up, pull out a white board or a notebook and pen, and get ready to play "Pictionary." This game is pretty straightforward: Your family breaks up into teams. One person draws an image, and the other people on their team have to guess what it is. If time runs out, then no points are scored.

2. Wine Not?

Every happy hour has at least one glass of wine in it, right? If that's the case for your family's happy hour, then play "Wine Not?" In this game, you take on the role of a conossieur and see if you can guess what kind of wine your family member is drinking based on their description of it. Recieve bonus points if you know what the label on the bottle looks like, or the year in which it was made.

3. Home Run Derby

If your family wants to get a little active while enjoying happy hour, then play "Home Run Derby." Have everyone set up a cup about six feet away from themselves. Then, have them crumple up a piece of paper and see how many times they can get that paper ball in the cup within one minute. The person with the most "home runs" wins.

4. Would You Rather

"Would You Rather" will quickly bring you closer together with your family members. It'll reveal who would rather go to the city for vacation rather than the beach, and so on.

5. Hide And Go Seek

Did you know you can play "Hide and Go Seek" while on Zoom or FaceTime? It's possible — especially if you have a good eye. To play, close your eyes and count to 10. Have your family hide in their individual rooms, while still being in view of the camera. Try and spot them as quickly as you can.

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