Tina's Weekend in Five-ish Photos 4/3 - 4/5

Oh hey, it's me again, Quarantina.

Quarantine... am I right?

Friday 4/3 -

I did my first live cooking show & prepared by famous shrimp pasta! I had so much fun doing it, thank you if you watched! If you missed it, I have the recipe on my blog.

Saturday 4/4 -

I'm learning that if I don't have a reason to get out of bed, I won't get out of bed. Saturday I spent the entire day in bed watching movies. I've decided to re-watch all the Marvel movies.

Also my orchid is bloooming! This is very exciting because I keep thinking I've killed it & then it will bloom again! This is it's 3rd bloom.

I also decided to re-organize my dresser. I never watched that Marie Kondo show, but I remember her organizing looked something like this & HOLY WOW this is awesome!! It's so organized and I can see everything and I don't know what took me so long.

I also had a family Zoom chat with my Chicago family <3 It was so great to see everyone!

I finally ordered take out from one of my favorite restaurants - Red Rabbit. It was so tasty & I tried their old fashion drink kit too! It was easy & delicious.

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