Falen's Weekend in Five Pictures 4/3-4/5

I don't know where to start because this weekend was craz...nope...it wasn't. Friday we picked Olive up from Mom's, and that's about it. We went for a walk, Jake made awesome burgers, and I rode the Peloton.

Side note: on Friday's show, I mentioned to check out Brene Brown's podcast with guest, Glennan Doyle. She shares a story called the Cheetah, and it's so awesome for women. She has a new book out called "Untamed". I haven't read the book yet. Saturday, I hard boiled eggs to decorate and finally put this Christmas gift from my mom on my Instant Pot...haha!

Dillon and I did our best...haha

I made a million TikTok videos (I don't do a lot of the dances because I'm not good? haha) I also straightened Jake's hair. I did an advice session for people with Jake on my Instagram stories (there's a highlight on my page in case you missed it @falenkdwb), and someone said I should straighten his hair. Well, we had nothing else to do, so this happened...

Every person on Earth messaged me that he looks like Billy Ray Cyrus. He HATED it! haha

Sunday we cleaned out my mom's gutters and went on another walk because it's been beautiful. I hope you stayed safe and enjoyed the weather too this weekend!

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