Heartbroken Podcast: Therapist Jen (Trusting Yourself)

Today the audio is sketch, so please stick with me! haha...I think I found a better program for next time. Honestly, it won't be great audio again until this is all over, and I can record at the station again. I am trying to make it the best it can be though.

With all of that said, Jen and I did this podcast (I was in a closet in my basement, and she was in her guest bedroom). Jen is with United Counseling and Wellness

Website: www.ucwtherapy.com Instagram @goodhumanwork

Today we're discussing: Learning to Trust Yourself: Building Self-Compassion

Questions We Cover:

  • How can I get past perfection paralysis?
  • How do I let things go and find peace of mind?
  • Is it normal to feel like I’m always failing as a mother?
  • Insecurity is my biggest issue (when it shouldn’t be). How can I work on this?

Click here to listen, and thank you:)

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