Steve-O's Wknd in Five Pics: Corona Lockdown and I Fell for the Trump Story

So the craziness that is the coronavirus is here and I have a feeling this could be the most exciting weekend in five pictures I have in a few weeks. School is closed, a lot of businesses are closed and I think the worst part is the un-known. We have come up with away to make sure our son, Isaac doesn't get it.

On Friday we were at Target in Maple Grove and it's fascinating to sit back and watch people shop, they aren't buying based on necessity or need for the next few weeks but it's impulse buying and I understand it because it's something we can actually control. I was in the pasta aisles and I wanted to buy five of everything because what if I need it? This is what I think they're talking about when they say "panic shopping'.

We did get over to a friends house and celebrate St. Patrick's Day. It was two other families and us. We had corned beef and cabbage and plenty of hand sanitizer.

Kristy also had to go to two different stores before she was able to find toilet paper but she was able to find TP and asprin.

If you know who this guy is then you fell for the same exact prank as I did. I KNEW something was gonna happen but I didn't know what and now I do and I can't unsee it. It's stuck in my head and I can't avoid it. I also am now wondering who that guy is, I'm guess he has to be a professional and you know he's one of the few people that will actually get work from all the coronavirus things going on.

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