Freud's Three Question Personality Quiz Can Teach You A lot About Someone

I'll be honest, I'm not 100% sure this quiz was actually created by Freud but I think it's a pretty accurate way to find out how someone views their subconscious mind. I gave the quiz to Dave and Falen during the morning show and thought their responses were pretty spot on.

Here are the three questions

1. What’s your favorite animal (not your family pet)?

 – List three reasons/adjectives why.

2. What’s your favorite article of clothing?

– List three reasons/adjectives why.

3. What’s your favorite body of water?

– List three reasons/adjectives why.

Here’s the Freudian subconscious meaning:

1. Your favorite animal = The way you view yourself.

2. Your favorite article of clothing = How others perceive you.

3. Your favorite body of water = How you view sex.

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