Falen's Weekend in Five Pictures 2/21-2/23

Jake was the one with an active weekend...or not so active. He started Friday off by getting a vasectomy, and it was a bit more painful that he assumed it would be, so he relaxed a lot this weekend.

We've also been giving Olive a bit of oatmeal at night before bed. We're discussing what we'll try next. We're thinking either carrots, sweet potatoes or avocado!

Saturday morning we had breakfast with Jake's family because his Aunt was in town visiting from Ohio. It was my first time at Hot Plate, and I loved it. I learned their artwork is all paint by number! I got an oil change, and we stopped by my friend Kate's studio. She was having a random family hangout with an indoor bounce house for the kids!

I wore a bow to the event...I know they're back in, and I decided to rock one. It reminds me of my cheerleading days!

Also, I got into TikTok finally. Jenny inspired me, and I must admit it's fun. I definitely have a lot to learn, but it's super fun!

Today I took a walk around Lake Harriet, and it was so awesome! I have mentioned before it's my favorite lake and my favorite pastime, so I'm happy I got a walk in. I took Olive, and she slept the entire time. It was adorable!

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