Falen's Weekend in Five Pictures 2/14-2/17

Friday was Valentine's Day as you know. Jake and I went to dinner, and a kind gentleman offered to take out picture. I was still rocking no eye makeup. I always think I look so weird without even a little mascara. I think I was good to start wearing it again after a week, so I did on Sunday when we took some family photos. They were the first family photos we've taken since the ones in the hospital.

Saturday Olive turned 5-months old! Obviously I forced her into a bonnet, and took some cute pics!

We did a little shopping and then her Aunt Hannah came to visit. (Side Note: We bought compostable diapers (I am not going to do cloth. A ton of people messaged me telling me how easy it is, but I'm not.)-anyway, I was excited for these diapers in hopes it would help change our environmental impact in a small way. I know diapers stay in landfills forever. I did discover if you get compostable diapers, you also have to find a service to dispose of them/compost them properly, so it adds a new element. Not sure what we'll do)...and side, side note-a lot of companies claim they are green, and they are not. This brand was Nest. I found them at Blossom Baby & Maternity at EP Center.

This closet is my new project. I posted it on Instagram this weekend because it's awful. We put the pantry in there (it looks nicer than this now because I did clean that area up after this pic) because our cabinets suck. We have a million cabinets, but they're either way too deep or not tall enough. SO we couldn't fit cereal or taller items in the cabinets or things were so far back we could never find them. Then, we have all the shoes in a basket. We've tried a shoe rack, but the stupid accordion doors make that so hard. A lot of people suggested taking the doors off...I'm not sold on that because I don't want to see stuff. When I see clutter, I get stressed, and let's be honest, we're never going to keep it perfect. Others suggested barn doors, but those wouldn't work because there are walls on both sides, so not enough room for sliding, and barn doors wouldn't fit in with the rest of my house. With all of this said, I've hired a professional because it's too much! haha

AND Monday we tried to go tubing, but there was a long wait list...so this is us sad...:) haha I hope you had a great weekend:)

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