Falen's Gift Guide

Coming up with 5 things was HARD! It was hard because I wanted to list a million things, but I've narrowed it down to things I've used regularly and one thing I asked for this year! The first item is a glass iced coffee cup. I have a Starbucks version. I use it every day. First of all, most places will give you a discount if you bring your own cup. Second, glass holds up better than plastic, and I feel better about it. I'm not throwing a cup away everyday! I found this one that looks super cute! Click here!

The pants I live in aren't really pants. Here's the thing...I hate pants. I don't think they look good on me. I prefer dresses and skirts. With that said, I have to wear pants sometimes, so I've agreed to wear Align leggings from Lululemon. I just discovered they have joggers and love those too! I got a couple of pairs. They feel like butter. These are obviously not the cheapest item on my list, but they're great. Click here!

Headbands are super popular this year. I've seen braided velvet, pearls and these knot headbands. ALL cute. This headband at Anthropologie has a ton of color options! Click here.

I LOVE taking classes. I think everyone loves an experience. It isn't even really about the product because, with the exception of a couple of classes, most of my stuff ends up in the garage...I'm not crafty. I did make a basket through a Socially Handcrafted class though, and it was lovely. Carver Junk Company has great classes and so many others do too. Here's a link for some workshops.

AND finally, this is a gift I asked for this year. It's a heated brush. I usually shower at night and sleep on my hair wet. This would be great to use in the morning! Click here!

Thank you for checking out my gift guide!:)

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