Five Things Members of the Dave Ryan Show Can’t Live Without

Five Things Dave Can't Live Without

  1. Tea. Iced tea when it's warm, hot tea when it's cold.
  2. Coffee. Every morning.
  3. Audible
  4. Summer sausage
  5. My ukulele. It's so relaxing to play.

Five Things Steve-O Can't Live Without

1. Some sort of energy drink. 

2. Microwave containers 

3. Podcast app

4. Hat to hide the fact that I’m bald 

5. Dog(s) 

Five Things Jenny Can't Live Without

  1. Dancing
  2. Kickball 
  3. Cheese
  4. Air Conditioning
  5. Hair Brush 

Five Things Lena Can't Live Without

1. Coffee

2. Podcasts

3. Animals. Every animal ever. 

4. Seltzer water

5. Black clothes

Five Things Tina Can't Live Without

1. Netflix
2. Golden Delicious Apples
3. Big Macs
4. Sneakers
5. Tina Time (a.k.a being alone)

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