Dave's Weekend In Five Photos: Don't Make Fun of Picture Three!

Hope you had a great weekend! We kept pretty busy and got outside a lot, which is awesome. Summer in Minnesota is to be enjoyed outside so I hope you got a chance to get out there!

Here's my weekend in five pictures!

I used to run a lot. I've run 4 marathons, a dozen half marathons and countless 5Ks. I don't run much at all anymore but I try to get out every day for a long walk. I listen to an Audible book and take along my buddy, Josie. We are really lucky in the Twin Cities to have so many beautiful trails to enjoy.

Saturday, I asked on Facebook, "What are you doing this weekend?" A woman named Kimberly said she was going to the Buffalo Arts and Crafts Festival. That sounded fun so I looked it up and rode out there. I found this super-cool fish cribbage board. Do you play cribbage? Let's play sometime! Maybe this winter we'll have a Dave Ryan Cribbage Tournament!

I found out a few months ago that my neighbor, Steve, also plays ukulele. He came by the house Saturday so we could jam together. We're both about the same skill level and it's a ton of fun!

Here's a link to a video of us playing together.

Every year since 2009, Carson and I have gone canoeing at least once. We used to start in Monticello or Becker and go about 20 miles and camp overnight on an island on the river. Those trips are some of my favorite memories with him. As he got older and busier, it was harder to find time to do the overnight trips but we always went on a day trip. This picture is from our latest trip on Sunday. We went out on Lake Ann in Chanhassen and even even caught some fish!

Here's a link to 11 years of us canoeing together and a picture from each year.

I admit, this may be the world's smallest bluegill, but hey, it counts!

Thanks for checking out my weekend in five pictures!

Have a great week!


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