Dave's Weekend in Five Photos: Could You Ever Do This Alone?

I go to Colorado about every 6 weeks or so to hang out, see friends and family and stay in the house I grew up in. But starting this past January, I told myself I wouldn't go there without him because I want to spend as much time as possible with him before he leaves for college.

He was in NYC with Susan and his friend this past week so I went to Colorado and that's where all five of my Weekend in Five Pictures come from.

Let's get started!

Thursday, I did the morning show from Colorado and after it was over, I got on the bike and rode about 4 hours up into the mountains to a town called Gunnison. The ride there was amazing and beautiful. It was getting late when I rode over Monarch Pass and I'm guessing I was the last bike over the pass that night. At the top, I was taking a selfie front of the sign when a trucker who was spending the night there in his cab got out and offered to take this picture of me.

The next morning, I rode out to The Black Canyon of the Gunnison, which is just as amazing as the Grand Canyon in my opinion, but not nearly as crowded or well-known. Story time: I went there when I was about 6 years old and I remember standing on the rim with my dad and I pointed across the canyon about half a mile away, and I said, "Look dad! I can see a chipmunk!" Well, dad laughed because he knew from that distance I couldn't really see a chipmunk. I never forgot that moment and it's locked in my mind's eye. I haven't been back to the canyon since then but the picture I took in my mind at that moment is exactly what the canyon looks like today. Isn't it amazing how our memory will hold on to things like that for a lifetime?

I took this from the mountain where the canyon begins. You can see forever from there. This is the town of Montrose, probably 20 or more miles in the distance.

If you ever get a chance to go to Colorado, sure, see all the touristy spots like Pikes Peak and Garden of the Gods and Estes Park. But to avoid the crowds and see a corner of Colorado that doesn't get as much attention, go to Gunnison. It's amazingly beautiful.

Saturday, I had the day free, so I drove out to the El Paso County Fair. I hadn't been to this fair since I was 13 and I'm so glad I went. Its way smaller than most fairs. Of course, when I heard there was a magic show, I had to go and I have to say, I was impressed! This guy is hanging there, while holding onto the lighted pole on his right. I know it looks like he's sitting on the silver beam but that's on the wall about 10 feet behind him. Pretty cool!

I also paid an extra 7 bucks to see the races. I'm not a huge race guy but I had all the time in the world and it was very cool!

When I told Susan I went to the fair alone, she was like "Didn't you feel weird to go alone?" Honestly, not really. If I went everywhere alone, I guess I would. But some people go to Disney World alone for a week and they love it. You're on your own schedule, you eat when you want to eat, you see what you want to see and you leave when you feel like it.

Would you go to a fair alone? Or is that too much? Comment below!

Thanks for looking at my weekend in five pictures. I hope you had a great weekend and you have an incredible week!


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