A college student named Lyndsey Brown from Glasgow, Scotland was on vacation in Spain with some friends this weekend and was having some serious issues with her bathing suit . . . specifically, it wasn't covering her lady parts.
So she sent a message to the company, "Hey, I wore that swimsuit today . . . my vagina was hanging out constantly. Is it supposed to stretch like that?" She also included a photo.
OH NO! Who would make that sort of mistake? You're probably wondering what kind of tacky excuse the company gave for it, well the swimsuit company wrote back, "I have had a look at the picture you sent and believe you are wearing the swimsuit upside-down." That's right: The swimsuit was a one-piece with just one shoulder strap and when she put it on upside-down, that shoulder strap was now at the bottom . . . and didn't cover her up properly.
One of her friends posted the text exchange on Twitter and now it's going viral.
Sharing her ‘embarrassing’ experience on Twitter, Lyndsey wrote: “I went to Ocean Beach wearing the swimsuit in perfect condition and the CORRECT way - had too much fun with alcohol, went to the toilet a few hours later and put my swimsuit on upside down WITHOUT KNOWING....I swear it was on correctly when I went there."