Jenny's Weekend in Five Pics: 3/22 - 3/24

I headed home this weekend for my older sister's baby shower. Friday night I just hung out with my best friend and her adorable pups. This is what I had in front of me while I snacked on some popcorn. Meet Gus and Monty!

Saturday was my sister and her husband's baby shower. My mom put it together and did a really good job. I helped with the set-up and running everything but my mom deserves all the credit. It was a joint baby/diaper shower so the women all hung out in a room and did the baby games and opened presents while the men chilled in the bar eating wings, and having some drinks.

Here I am with the future parents!

My super pregs sister who has only gained weight in the good areas: belly, boobs, & butt (love ya Rach ;). She's due May 10th, a week before my bday! Can't wait to have joint birthday parties with the little nugget.

They are waiting to find out the sex so no idea yet if it's a boy or girl. My mom found a local girl on Instagram to make these delicious cupcakes and cake. The cake had a monkey on it! The pictures of the hippo that says "Be Kind" and giraffe that says "Be Yourself" are prints my sister found and earned the rights to print off and will be going in the nursery.

And here is the mound of presents that all the amazing attendees brought. I think my sister and husband are pretty set now.

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