Jenny's Thanksgiving Vacation in Six Pics!

I drove back to Wisconsin on Wednesday night and instead of going out with all the hometown crew, I hung out with my pregnant sister, brother-in-law, and all of their animals.  This is Rascal, he's the naughtiest cat I know but I love him so much!

We do Thanksgiving at my aunt's every year.  After stuffing our faces we played Heads Up. 

My mom's birthday was Friday.  I bought us Culver's and some wine to celebrate.  I miss a lot of family things since I live 5 hours away so I'm always happy that her birthday typically falls on the week of Thanksgiving when I'm home so I can hang out with her for it.  My mother is my rock.  I'm not sure how I would get through half the things in my life without her.  (And I know she's reading this right now, hi mom!).  So Happy Birthday once again Mom!!! Love you :) 

I came back to Minneapolis on Saturday and super last minute decided to hit up Louis The Child at Myth with some friends.  It was a really good concert!

I'm totally that girl that befriends other girls in the bathroom.  I met this group of girls who had the best EDM outfits, chatted with them, took pics and then went our separate ways, haha.  This is Emely!

Sunday I got together with some friends for the Packers/Vikings game.  We crashed a couple tailgates and then watched the game at Cowboy Jacks.  It's a rough time to be a Packers fan in Minnesota but I still love my team!

Hope you got to spend some time with family and/or friends for the holiday!  Now if someone has some motivation to hit the gym and work off all this turkey, send it my way!

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