13 New Halloween Questions to Ask 'Google Assistant'

We have a Google Home in our kitchen and we use it a bunch and Google just did an update with a bunch of new questions you can ask for Halloween and get some awesome responses.  Here's a list of 13 new Google Assistant Halloween Easter Eggs that I'm sure you'll enjoy. 

  1. Are you celebrating Halloween?
  2. Boo!
  3. Do you know any scary stories?
  4. Happy Halloween
  5. It’s almost Halloween
  6. Scare me
  7. Trick or treat?
  8. What are you going to be for Halloween?
  9. What should I wear for Halloween?
  10. Do you have any monster fighting tips?
  11. I want to hear something spooky / give me a Halloween sound
  12. Tell me a Halloween joke
  13. Tell me a Halloween fact

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