Pumpkin Recipe Challenge 'Sweet Pumpkin Dip'

For the Dave Ryan Show's Pumpkin Cooking Challenge I chose to prepare a sweet pumpkin dip that's both easy and delicious to make. Prep time is between 5-7 minutes and cooking time is based on how chilled you want your dip to be.


2 packages of cream cheese (soften in microwave for 20 seconds) 

1 can of Pumpkin Pie Filling

1 - 2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon


Beat the cream cheese into the pumpkin pie filling, while you beat the filling be sure to add your cinnamon so it's able to work its way into the dip. Since I want my dip to have a really good consistency be sure to leave it in the fridge overnight and serve with everything from gingerbread cookies to fruit to Graham Crackers.  

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