My Latest Invention for Dog Lovers!

Josie is my buddy. She meets me at the door when I come home, she follows me around the house, and when I sit on the couch, she hops up and lays down next to me.

And she loves to run with me. She can do six miles without wearing out and she's almost 10. And like any dog that goes on a run or walk, it kicks their innards into high gear and she has to poop.  For years, I've been tying the poop bag to the hook on the leash where it clips onto her collar.

It works but it's probably not a great look to have the poop bag right by her face while we're running.  People either say, "Oh, that's clever!" or they give me a look like I'm so terrible person.

So I brainstormed a simple solution. And you can make one yourself!

And I'm making 25 for the Dave Ryan No K this Friday! Come by pick one up for your pooch for only $10! All the money goes to Special Olympics Minnesota!

Here's a video of the Poop Clip! (BTW, if you have a better name for it, please let me know in the comments!

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