State Fair Hack: bring return address labels with your contact info. Makes filling out give-away forms super easy!
Fill Gatorade bottle half way up, freeze it overnight then fill it up with water to bring to fair
Best fair hack. Show up super high
State fair hack- sneak a flask of vodka for the best vodka lemonade EVER
In the Ag building, you get made from scratch apple cider freezies for $1 perfect for a big family on a hot day! And if there is a line they keep it moving fast!
Midway Men's Club: cheapest beer at the Fair. Plus everyone who works there is a volunteer and all of the money they make during the Fair goes to youth sports programs!
There is a hidden general store where you can buy normal toiletries etc in between two buildings over by milk booth
The DNR area is the best place for Pokmon go!
Head to the Northwoods during parade time, claim a picnic table and get a hot apple dumpling with ice cream at Rutana''s Apple Dumpling stand and enjoy the parade!
Anyone with small children, there is a tent to change diapers and breastfeed. Free diapers and sunscreen
Best Turkey legs by far are up in machinery hill (just past the other sweet Martha stand, before home depot).
CHEESE ON A STICK easily the most underrated food.
Bring a gallon zip lock bag for the extra cookies from sweet Marthas so you can actually close your lid
Always make sure you go to the fair with at least 3 other people. That way you can split food amongst you.