Dave's Weekend in Five Pictures: August 3 - 5

Did you have a good weekend?  I really hope so.  These summer weekends will turn to fall weekend before we know it and we'll be talking about pumpkin spice and Halloween costumes.

I was outside quite a bit this weekend! I was in Colorado and here's some pictures from my weekend.

One of my favorite hikes in Colorado is North Cheyenne Canyon.  There are so many trails and quite a few people, but this one is only a mile up and a mile back.  The views are amazing. That's Colorado Springs and the Great Plains behind me.

I'm making a knife!  It's kind of fun and requires more "artsy" skills to shape the handle than I really have, but it's fun and going okay so far!

Downtown Colorado Springs is amazingly healthy and thriving. It was DEAD when I lived here in the 80s, right after all the malls took all the shopping out of downtown. But now it's busy and full of shops, bars and restaurants.

I haven't seen a snake here in Colorado since I was a kid, but I saw TWO in two days this weekend! I wanted to pick it up but honestly, I didn't want to scare him so I just let him slither away.  BTW, in Hmong culture, seeing a snake means someone is pregnant.  FALEN????

Why a picture of a house? Here's the story.

I'm still friends with pretty much every girl I ever dated, including my first girlfriend, Vanessa.  She grew up in this house and I was chatting with her on Facebook a year or so ago and I told her I still go to Colorado Springs every few weeks.  She lives in Phoenix, I think.

She asked me to drive by her old house and get a picture for her.  So I took this picture. No one lives there now, and it's kind of sad and quiet. I guess her sister owns it and is fixing it up to rent it out.

Anyway, fun fact: I had my very first kiss on that front porch.

Have a great week!

Thanks for looking at my blog!


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