Dave's Pictures From Star Party Plus Bonus Video!

Star Party 2018 was amazing! Here are some highlights!

My band, "Dat Brass Doe" showed up and raged all night.

Jack and Jack.

This is Aliyah. She lives in Atlanta and has never been to Minnesota before. She found our show on iHeart Radio and listens every day. She came all the way up from ATL by herself just to go to Star Party and to meet us. How cool is that? I just love her!

He's so into Star Party he got this!

The a-holes I work with got me this for my 25th anniversary.

Falen interviewing BeBe Rexha.

Ellen and Gina from my band were in the room during the interview and afterward, BeBe just walked up and started talking to them. She even offered them Starburst!



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