Jenny's Memorial Day Weekend in 6 Pics!

I had a busy Friday so I laid low Friday night and prepared myself for the hot weekend ahead.  Saturday I met up with a group of friends to do Bikes and Brews.  What is Bikes and Brews you ask?  You hop on your bike and cruise to multiple different breweries.  

Sunday afternoon I went to Tina's pool.  I made her braid my hair for Soundset. 

I've never been to Soundset but decided to hit it up this year and had SO much fun.  It was uncomfortably hot but as soon as we got in front of the music you sort of forget about how much sweat is dripping off your body. 

I was the most excited to see Migos and they did not disappoint.  They put on a great show!

Monday, I once again hit up Tina's pool. (We really do like each other regardless of the trolling on social media)

And Monday night The Bachelorette premiered! I hosted the first viewing party at the radio station.  We're hosting a party every week this season.  You can sign up to win passes here.   

Hope you all survived the hot weekend! Cheers to summer officially being here!

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