Steve-O Wknd in Five Pics: Polar Plunge and the Best Two Minutes on the Web

School got out two hours early on Friday which meant our kids were home early and we made the "wise" choice to invite friends of our kids over thinking they'd take care of themselves.  Wrong.  Here are just one of the many activities I was roped into after the early release, 45 minutes of "Just Dance". 

After having all of their friends to play after school, Kristy went to REI to face her fears so I ended up taking both kids to Olivia's ballet practice, we usually just drop her off but this week parent were encouraged to come and watch and since I've always been the one to skip, this week I was lucky enough to be the one to go and watch. 

Saturday I was out for the Minneapolis Polar Plunge for Special Olympics Minnesota with my assistant Isaac who love the costumes at the event. I have the give him props because we were there for three hours and he didn't complain, not even once, probably because during the last hour I let him tell plungers, "3-2-1...JUMP".

Thanks to Kristy's friends for introducing me to this gem of a web show, "Zach Morris is Trash".  Each episode is two minutes long and if you grew up watching Saved by the Bell then after watching just one episode I was hooked and it just proves that Zach Morris is the worst human being ever.  

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