What's a Common Tradition or Holiday That Will Not Exist in 25 Years?

There are some time-honored American traditions that some people will NEVER give up. There are others that some people would LOVE to never have to think about . . . ever again.

Someone asked social media, "What's a common American tradition or holiday that you think might not exist in 25 years?" Here are a few of the best responses:

1. Class reunions . . . mostly due to social media.

2. Bobbing for apples at Halloween.

3. Trick-or-treating in YOUR neighborhood. People say there are designated "areas" now that parents go . . . and small communities are abandoned.

4. Gender-reveal parties . . . partially due to people being overwhelmed with baby-related events. And partially due to the forest fires . . . and deaths.  (???)

5. Christmas cards. They may already be dying out . . . possibly because of social media. One person online joked, "My wife will single handedly keep this tradition alive."

6. Black Friday. Most of it has moved online, and it's become less of a "thing."

7. Beauty pageants. For obvious reasons.

8. St. Patrick's Day. Some people say it's become regional, where it's still a major thing in some areas, and not in others.  (This is anecdotal, but several people say it's a bigger deal in the Northeast and Midwest, and has disappeared in the South and West. Is that true in YOUR area?)

9. Block parties. People are asking if anyone still does them.

10. Car culture. People think it peaked with the Silents and Boomers.

(Ask An American)

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