Kids Think These Random Things Mean You're Officially Old

If you want to feel old, just talk to a 10-year-old for five minutes. Your self-esteem will plummet . . .

Has a kid ever called you "old" for something you didn't know was an "old-person" thing? Here are some examples from social media.

1. A kid told someone they were old because they were born in the 1900s. So, that's anyone over 24.

2. A teacher got called old because she told her students she saw the original "Shrek" in a movie theater.

3. Someone got called old by a kid because they used to have VHS tapes. And someone else got called old because they knew was a DVD was.

4. A kid called someone old because they still use CDs in their car.

5. A woman got called old because she had stamps in her purse.

6. A kid called a guy old because he said he used to play OUTSIDE when he was young.

7. A parent left someone a voicemail, and their kid said only old people do that.

8. Another parent said they found out they were old when their daughter called them out for still owning an iPod.

9. A woman got called old because she still has a Hotmail address.  (Honestly, that one's fair.)

10. A kid called someone old when they said YouTube didn't used to have ads. So if you remember that magical time, you're ancient.

11. A guy's coworker told him he was old after he tossed something in a trash can from a few feet away and yelled "Kobe" when it went in.

12. A guy's much-younger cousin called him old for using the laughing-crying emoji. That one stung, because he thought emojis made him seem cool and young. 



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